July Chapter Meeting: Stream Temp Monitoring Opportunity

One of the keys to successfully restoring Greenback Cutthroat Trout in the region is to put them in a place where summer water temps will keep them happy. That’s the topic of this month’s chapter meeting, July 23rd at 6:30 P.M. at the American Legion Hall in Estes Park.


The Stream Temperature Monitoring Project is a multi-year project being conducted by Trout Unlimited volunteers and federal agency partners. Phil Wright with Rocky Mountain Flycasters and Chris Carroll of  the U.S. Forest Service will explain how stream temperature monitoring helps determine the survivability potential of stream sections for Greenbacks—and how you can help.


Volunteers install temperature sensors at locations identified by the Forest Service and return to those sites annually to retrieve temperature data and collect detailed information like GPS coordinates, site descriptions, and photos. The critical period for data collection is during the warmest 30 day period for stream temperature. So it’s best to install sensors in June or July and to retrieve data in September or October before ice-in.


Unlike other Greenback volunteer opportunities, volunteers can schedule their work as they like and are encouraged to volunteer in pairs for safety. Sensor site visits are typically day trips though longer trips are possible. (And fishing along the way  is encouraged.)


We need to determine if there is any interest from Alpine Anglers to participate in this project. So join us Friday, July 23rd at 6:30 at the American Legion Hall in Estes Park to learn more.