June chapter meeting
Thursday, June 24th at 6:30 in the Hondius Room of the Estes Park Library.
Featured speaker: Chris Kennedy
Chris is the lead fisheries biologist in Rocky Mountain National Park. Most of us know him for his work in the Greenback Cutthroat recovery program, but did you know that Chris is also a fisheries historian? He co-authored the paper that finally solved the mystery of how fish identified for years as Greenbacks turned out to be Colorado River Cutthroat and how true Greenbacks ended up far from their original home.
Hear Chris talk about the history of fisheries management in RMNP, the status of the Greenback recovery program, how recent flooding and wildfires have affected trout populations, and what the warming climate holds for fisheries in our area. He'll also lay out his fieldwork plans for RMNP this summer and highlight opportunities for volunteers to "fish for science."